Best Resources for Laravel Developers
Table of Contents
It's no secret that Laravel is a very popular PHP framework.
Over the last few years it has truely taken the industry by storm, overtaking many other long living frameworks and becomming the best for almost any situation.
But it's not just the framework that makes it powerful. It's the insane community backing it, and all of the genious minds that spend their days creating projects in it, learning how to solve complex and common problems within the framework.
It's no secret, that one thing you'll always see a lot of in any industry, is people asking for help.
And it's simply just not possible to help everyone with every problem they have, which is why it's important to show the community what resources are available for them, to go and find answers to their problems.
So I've compiled a list of very good resources for Laravel developers, to hopefully help solve some of these problems other developers encounter.
Laravel Documentation
It's no surprise that I've included this, as it's one thing Laravel is known very well for.
The official Laravel documentation is an excellent resource for developers of all skill levels. It's well-written, easy to understand, and comprehensive, covering everything from installation to advanced features. The documentation is regularly updated, ensuring that developers always have access to the latest information.
Laravel News
Laravel news is one of the very few email lists I'm still subscribed to after all of these years.
It's is a community-driven site that provides the latest news, tutorials, and resources related to Laravel. It's an excellent resource for developers looking to stay up to date with the latest developments in the Laravel ecosystem. The site covers a wide range of topics, including package releases, tutorials, and interviews with prominent Laravel developers.
Laracasts is a truely invaluable resource, and one we're all extremely lucky to have, thanks to @jeffrey_way.
Laracasts is an online video tutorial site that offers a wide range of Laravel tutorials. The site is perfect for developers of all skill levels, offering beginner-level tutorials to advanced topics. The tutorials cover everything you could ever need, from basic Laravel concepts to more advanced topics like testing and deployment.
I'd 100% be lying if I didn't say I fall in love with the website all over again, every time I visit it.
Jeffrey does an incredible job at keeping not only the content relevant, but also the design is ️🔥
$15 a month, is 100% worth the price. I know content like this can be found on Youtube, but for the price of a few coffee's a month, having this highly personal content at your disposal is insane. is a forum purely dedicated to helping other artisans solve problems and get the help they need. Created by @driesvints and @_joedixon.
The forum is an excellent resource for developers looking to connect with other developers, ask questions, and share knowledge. The site offers a wide range of topics, including package development, testing, and design patterns.
I definitely recommend creating an account there, and not only asking for help when you need it, but also helping yourself become a better deveoper by helping others!
Last, but not least, Github. Of course this was going to be included as open source can help you become such a great developer, and even looking at code by other developers will help you to learn how to solve problems you may not know about yet.
I definitely recommend staring/following a few open source repositories to look at how other Laravel developers solve their issues.
Here are a good few to follow:
Let me know on Twitter if I've missed anything, or if you have any resources you use!
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